Mother Goose Rhymes

Mother Goose rhymes

The Fox and the Goose 

The fox and his wife they had a great strife.

They never ate mustard in all their whole life;

They ate their meat without fork or knife,

And loved to be picking a bone, e-ho!


The fox jumped up on a moonlight night;

The stars they were shining, and all things bright;

"Oh, ho! v said the fox, "it's a very fine night

For me to go through the town, e-ho!'


The fox when he came to yonder stile,

He lifted his lugs and he listened a while;

"Oh, ho!' : said the fox, "it's but a short mile

From this into yonder wee town, e-ho!'


The fox when he came to the farmer's gate,

Whom should he see but the farmer's drake ;

" I love you well for your master's sake,

And long to be picking your bones, e-ho !


The gray goose she ran round the hay-stack ;

" Oh, ho!' : said the fox, "you are very fat,

You 'll grease my beard and ride on my back

From this into yonder wee town, e-ho!


The farmer's wife she jumped out of bed,

And out of the window she popped her head;

" Oh, husband! oh, husband! the geese are all dead,

For the fox has been through the town, e-ho!


Then the old man got up in his red cap,

And swore he would catch the fox in a trap ;

But the fox was too cunning, and gave him the slip ?

And ran through the town, the town, e-ho!


The Fox and the Goose

When he got to the top of the hill,

He blew his trumpet both loud and shrill,

For joy that he was in safety still,


And had got away through the town, e-ho!

When the fox came back to his den,

He had young ones both nine and ten;

"You're welcome home, daddy; you may go again,

If you bring us such fine meat from the town, e-ho!"
